
  • VizMSEOptions


autoLoadInternalElements?: boolean

Whether internal elements should automatically be loaded when added to expectedPlayoutItems

clearAllCommands?: string[]

List of commands to be sent to Viz Engines in order to fully clear them

clearAllOnMakeReady?: boolean

Whether to trigger a clear all templates upon makeReady

clearAllTemplateName?: string

It is a common practice to have an element which only purpose is to "clear all graphics" on the vizEngine. To use this in TSR, set a reference to that here

dontDeactivateOnStandDown?: boolean

If true, the rundown won't be deactivated on standdown

engineRestPort?: number

Port number to the REST interfaces of Viz Engines (optional)

host: string

Host name or IP adress to the MSE machine

onlyPreloadActivePlaylist?: boolean

If true, only elements in the currently active rundown will be loaded

playlistID?: string

Identifier of the "playlist" to send commands to

preloadAllElements?: boolean

Whether all elements should be preloaded or not

profile: string

Identifier of the "profile" to send commands to

purgeUnknownElements?: boolean

Whether unknown elements should be purged from the rundown upon activation

restPort?: number

Port number to the REST interface (optional)

showDirectoryPath?: string

Path relative to "/directory/shows", where Shows managed by Sofie are listed e.g. "SOFIE"

wsPort?: number

Port number to the web-sockets interface (optional)

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