
  • TimelineContentQuantelClip


deviceType: QUANTEL
guid?: string

The GUID of the clip to be played, either this or title must be provided

inPoint?: number

The point in the clip where to start playing. When looping, will return to this point. [milliseconds from start of file]

length?: number

The duration of the file. The playout will either freeze after this time.

noStarttime?: boolean

If true, the startTime won't be used to SEEK to the correct place in the media

notOnAir?: boolean
outTransition?: QuantelTransitionDelay
pauseTime?: number

When pausing, the unix-time the playout was paused.

playing?: boolean

If the video is playing or is paused (defaults to true)

title?: string

The title of the clip to be played (example: 'AMB'), either this or guid must be provided

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