Type Parameters

  • TContent extends {
        deviceType: DeviceType;



classes?: string[]

A list of classes on this Timeline-object. classes can be referenced by other objects using the syntax: ".className"

The payload of the timeline-object. Can be anything you want.

disabled?: boolean

If set to true, the object will be excluded when resolving the timeline.

Expression (or array of expressions) defining when the Timeline-object will play

id: string

ID of the object. Must be unique!

isGroup?: boolean
isLookahead?: boolean

Only set to true when an object is inserted by lookahead

Keyframes can be used to modify the content of an object. When a keyframe is active, the content of the keyframe will be merged into the parent object.

layer: string | number

The layer where the object is played. If set to undefined, "" or null, the object is treated as "transparent", ie it won't collide with other objects, nor be present in the resolved state.

lookaheadForLayer?: string | number

Only valid when isLookahead is true. Set so that a lookahead object knows what layer it belongs to

priority?: number

Priority. Affects which object "wins" when there are two colliding objects on the same layer. If the two colliding objects have the same priority, the one who started playing last wins. Otherwise, the one with the highest priority wins (ie 9 wins over 0). Defaults to 0

seamless?: boolean

If set to true, colliding timeline-instances will be merged into a single one. This could be useful if want the instance.start times to not be reset unexpectedly.

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