

audioFilter?: string
channel?: number

The CasparCG-channel to route from

channelLayout?: string

Audio channel layout (example 'stereo')

delay?: number

The amount of milliseconds to delay the signal on this route. This value is downsampled to channel frames upon execution.

deviceType: CASPARCG
layer?: number

The CasparCG-layer to route from

mappedLayer?: string

Uses the mappings to determine what layer to route (overrides channel/layer parameters)

mixer?: Mixer
mode?: "BACKGROUND" | "NEXT"

Type of routing ('BACKGROUND' | 'NEXT')

transitions?: {
    inTransition?: TimelineTransition;
    outTransition?: TimelineTransition;

Type declaration

type: ROUTE

The type of CasparCG content

videoFilter?: string

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