
  • QuantelOptions


ISAUrlBackup?: string

Optional backup ISA manager for the gateway to switch to in the event of failure of the master

ISAUrlMaster: string

Location of the ISA manager to be connected to first of all

allowCloneClips?: boolean

If set: If a clip turns out to be on the wrong server, an attempt to copy the clip will be done

gatewayUrl: string

Url to the quantel gateway

serverId: number

The id of the server to control. An integer

suppressDisconnectTime?: number

If the ISA goes down the gateway will temporarily emit a disconnection warning, this is a false flag when a backup ISA is available. This option will suppress the disconnection warning for a number of ms to give the system time to switch without warnings.

zoneId?: string

The ID of the zone to use. If omitted, will be using 'default'

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